Flappy Duino

 1 × Push Button
 1 ×  Nokia 5110 LCD
 1 × Arduino UNO R3
 1 x BreadBoard
 few male to male Dupont/jumper wires

Connect the 5110 lcd pins to arduino digital pins as follows

Serial clock out (SCLK) - pin 7
Serial data out (DIN) - pin 6
Data/Command select (D/C)- pin 5
LCD chip select (CS) - pin 4
LCD reset (RST) - pin 3
LCD VCC - arduino VCC(5V or 3.3V)
Backlight(BL) - arduino VCC(5V or 3.3V)

Download these two libraries Adafruit GFX Library and Adafruit PCD8544 Nokia 5110 LCD library
and the following sketch Flappy Duino
start Arduino IDE install the two libraries open the sketch and upload it into your arduino and enjoy flappy birds in monochrome ;)


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